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PO Carton Consolidation
UCC-128 Label Requirements

All shipments to Macy's, Inc. Distribution Centers will continue to require UCC-128 (SSCC-18) Shipping Container labels that comply with the current Macy's, Inc. Vendor Standards with the exception of the following modifications for PO Carton Consolidation:

Click here for the UCC-128 Label Format & Placement for PO Carton Consolidation.

Create your UCC-128 Shipping Container label based on the UCC specifications. If you use the 4" by 6" label format, your UCC-128 bar code should be 3.02" in length, 1.25" in height, with a .25" quiet zone on each side. Only use UCC / EAN- 128, subset C bar code symbology with the nominal X dimension of 20 mil.

Your UCC-128 label must be placed on the longest side of the carton. If your system or other customers require the placement of the UCC-128 label on the front of the carton, you must also place a duplicate label with the exact same code on the long side of the carton. Your second label does not require full detail, only the bar code and the 20 digit human readable UCC-128 number.

If your carton is under 4 �" in height, place the UCC-128 label on the top of the carton. Be sure the label is placed so that the bar code is scannable, i.e. not on a seam or the corner of the carton, no closer than 1.25" from any edge.